The Big Relec Bike Ride 2018
The Ride
The Ride– Well, we made it everyone. John O’Groats to Lands end by bike over 14 days! Just in case you didn’t know, we were riding with the aim of raising £10,000 for the brain tumour charity. I can only say that they were the best 14 days that Lesley and I have ever spent on our bikes.
At the time of writing we are so close to hitting our £10,000 target. If you would like to get us over the finish line just hop on to our just giving page for more information. Every donation helps no matter how small.
We have written a blog of our day to day experiences and we’ve also added links to online photo albums of each day if you would like to see more of our adventure.
We would also love to hear from you. Perhaps we met you along the way, maybe you’ve been affected by a friend or family member with a brain tumour, or maybe you’re planning your own ride. Please drop us a line through our contact page – we’d love your feedback.
Day 1 – Thursday 31 May – View pictures
John O’Groats to Crask inn – 87 miles /5100 ft climbing
Oh, what a day! The drive to JOG was painfully long and then we had to do the obligatory photos which meant we didn’t hit the road until 11.30. The weather was truly unbelievable, touching 29 degrees at one point.
The ride itself came to life after 40 miles. I have never seen beaches so white and so empty. The scenery changes so quickly up here.
One minute we are looking across beautiful deserted bays, the next in barren moorland and then being dwarfed by the bigger highland peaks. We’ve met several riders going the other way including a group of Samaritans on a tandem.
Everyone has been so friendly. Finally rocked up at the Crask inn at 20.15 to be greeted with a very cycle friendly dinner and a nice cold pint of Black Isle blond. Earlier start tomorrow and less climbing so we’ll hopefully have a chance to post some pictures for you.
Day 2 – Friday 1 June – View pictures
Crask inn to Cawdor – 82 miles / 3200 ft climbing
We have to give a big thank you to our hosts at the Crask inn. Not only was last night’s dinner the cat’s pyjamas, but the full Scottish this morning was just what we needed. Also a big hello to Amy and Phil who were 13 days into a LEJOG and look remarkably fresh.
You left us feeling like lightweights after seeing your fully laden touring bikes. Chapeau.
Quick coffee stop at Lairg and then a long climb up over the Scurie and down into Bonnar Bridge. Once again we were left in awe seeing a unicycle come up the road to greet us.
Fortunately we didn’t have the same level of climbing as yesterday, but the A9 up and over into Inverness has to be one of our worst experiences on a bike.
Once through the metropolis we were back on quieter roads on the homeward stretch to Laura & Bill’s. Stunning view over the Moray firth to the Black Isle. Laura, your fish pie is to die for. Off to bed now – dreaming about what tomorrow might bring.
Day 3 – Saturday 2 June – View pictures
Cawdor to Perth – 113miles / 7400 ft climbing
What a day. 113 miles and 2200 m of climbing. We’ve seen 4 seasons in one day. A glorious start as we left Cawdor with Lesley’s sister Laura, in bright sunshine. It didn’t take long for us to be tempted though by a Lorne sausage bap in Grantown.
Then onward and upward to the Lecht ski station, a climb which can only be described as brutal. Chapeau Laura for getting up the 20% sections.
We were joined at the top by Grant, Ali & Harry, a well earned picnic and sadly a change in the weather. The run down was a little treacherous to say the least, with abysmal weather all the way to Braemar. We decided to hole up in a nice warm cafe for half an hour and, whoopee, the rain stopped just in time for the Glenshee ascent.
Great picnic of cold quiche and crisps after the 8 miles climb – Ali, you star!
Words can’t describe the descent but numbers can (45mph) – Hee Hee.
Then on to Blairgowrie where H & G left us after 100km and 1500m of climbing (outstanding effort) and we were joined by Liz & John.
Still 25 miles to go but we made it safely back to Perth at 22.15. Slept well after a very earned spag bol. Thank you so much Liz and John for your hospitality and great company.
Day 4 – Sunday 3 June – View pictures
Perth to Edinburgh – 41 miles / 2300 ft climbing
The temperature has been steadily dropping as we head south. Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around? 12 degrees today.
Ian and Euan got the train up to Perth and joined us for what was supposed to be a gentle roll into town. We had a pretty hilly start and very welcome coffee stop at Milanthorp.
There was a sportif event passing through the village and one of the riders stopped to ask us directions, but soon realised that “we were just out for a short ride”.
Then on through Fife through to the bridges where we were joined by Janette, Joan and Jackie, before negotiating the cycle lanes of Edinburgh. Just about to sit down with a glass of wine and Janette’s fabulous lasagne. Perfect!
Day 5 – Monday 4 June – View pictures
Edinburgh to Newcastleton(Kielder Forest) – 77 Miles / 4600ft climbing
Started off with a visit to the brain tumour charity research facility in Edinburgh where we met Dr Steve Pollard and his team who are doing important research into Glioblastomas and Chromatin Regulators. The days don’t get any easier and the weather still seems to be getting colder. Headed south after that through the suburbs to Peebles in dreich conditions for a lunch stop.
Peebles to Hawick would have been stunning but much of it was in low cloud and 10 degree temperatures.
We arrived in Hawick at 5.30 cold and hungry. All coffee and convenience shops shut but indulged in haggis pizza before the final 20 miles to Newcastleton. Great welcome and steak pie from Tomasz at the Liddesdale Hotel. Fab place. Looking forward to breakfast already.
Day 6 – Tuesday 5 June – View pictures
Newcastleton to Middleton in Teesdale – 63 Miles /
At last we got to see the sun again. Woke at 7 and greeted by bright sunshine streaming into our bedroom window.
Thanks again to Tomasz for a great breakfast with a proper portion of Haggis. The riding today was unrelenting. Lots of short sharp rises, but always steep, today’s start was very slow as we said goodbye to Scotland.
Our lunch stop was in Haltwhistle at Val’s coffee house – the perfect biking cafe. We were just glad to get there after spending 3 miles on the A69 along with the logging trucks – not to be recommended. The afternoon carried on much as before with a rollercoaster ride along Tynedale before hitting Alston for Guinness and Mars bar cakes.
Still 20 miles to go but the equation was easy enough. 10 miles up on to Alston moor (650m above sea level) and then 10 glorious miles down into Middleton in Teesdale. A much harder day than anticipated, especially carrying rucksacks, but very satisfying.
Thank you Lesley and Ian for putting us up on the farm and sampling your obviously very happy lambs.
Day 7 – Wednesday 6 June – View pictures
Middleton in Teesdale to Pickering – 85 Miles / 3800ft climbing
Thanks again Lesley & Ian for putting us up. Thoroughly enjoyed your hospitality and the dogs kept us entertained all evening. Steve and Alison arrived bang on time, thankfully with a revised itinerary for us.
What I hadn’t realised was the original route took us up the notorious Sutton bank (25%). I’m not sure I’d want to do that in the car, let alone a push bike. The temperature is still going in the same direction we are – south. 9 degrees this morning at one point.
Steve makes a living writing algorithms to calculate the optimal routes for utility vehicles. It’s a shame he hasn’t learned to read a map upside down yet. If you look at our ride in detail you’ll see numerous occasions where we doubled back on ourselves. Only kidding mate.
Another long day but arrived safely in Tornton le dale and looking forward to some good Yorkshire cooking and a small glass of wine.
Half Way !!!!
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