meet the experts

Relec’s sales & technical support personnel are all qualified engineers, with considerable experience in power conversion and display applications, they will work with you from concept through to production, to ensure the optimum product match for your application.

Luke Ansell-Kleszcz
Joint Managing Director
Obsessive Coffee disorder
Callum Beal
Operations Director
Obsessive Canary Disorder
Nick Connor
Account Manager
Obsessive Criminality Disorder
Callum Croucher
Marketing Executive
Obsessive Chelsea Disorder
Mathew Rehm
Joint Managing Director
Obsessive Competitive Disorder
Laura Eddicott
Internal Sales Administrator
Obsessive Checklist Disorder
Martin Bull
Account Manager
Obsessive Colorado Disorder
Chief Tennis Ball Inspector
Obsessive Cuddle Disorder

Neil Pain
Sales Director
Obsessive Calendar disorder
Callum Smith
Technical Sales Engineer
Obsessive Computer Disorder
Robert Deane
Account Manager
Obsessive Construction Disorder

Relec’s Customer Service Team
Callum, Anya, Yolanda & JB

Accounts Department
Sheena & Vicky